Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The World-Wide Demand For English Language Teachers

 The World-Wide Demand For English Language Teachers 

The Rise in Demand for TESOL Teachers in Latin America.

In the previous post, we explored the global need for English language teachers in Asia.  Let's move our focus from Asia to Latin America.  The chances are that you can name any country in Latin America and they are more than likely looking for English language teachers.

From Mexico to Chile, there are plenty of teaching opportunities for those qualified TESOL teachers. As in Asia, the range of teaching opportunities and conditions vary from country to country.  

This is a part of the world that teams with teaching opportunities and intercultural experiences that are unique  in context and in content.

If you are currently TESOL certified, you may want to read this.

Here are some of the options for tesoLing in Latin America.