Monday, December 3, 2018

Teaching English Overseas: 10 Great TESOL Websites

Teaching English Overseas: 

10 Great Websites for TESOL Employment

Looking for a TESOL job overseas can be both exciting and exhausting.  If you have ever done a web search with any of the following phrases:

You've undoubtedly been bombarded with thousands of hits.  Among the ads you'll find sites that range from useless to useful.  

(By the way, here's a useful one that gives similar details on finding a job teaching English abroad.)

There has been a skyrocketing growth in the demand for qualified TESOL teachers that shows no signs of slowing down.   This is true throughout the world and in particular in both Asia and Latin America.  With the economies in each of these regions booming, there is a greater need for learning English and a higher number of people who can afford it.
For those of you who are TESOL Certified and are ready to teach your way around the world©,  to start your career teaching English overseas right here.  

Watch this :  Alyx shares her experiences 

getting TESOL Certified and working overseas

Top 10 websites for finding a job teaching English overseas 

Friday, August 3, 2018

Essential TESOL Teaching Skills

5 Essential TESOL Teaching Skills

 TESOL Teacher Preparation

Teachers have to be masters of more than just the content.  The way in which we get students to interact with the content and with one another is far more important. Consider those who are experts in something but poor facilitators of that expertise.  I’ll bet you could fill a notebook with examples.

TESOL Trainers gives professional development K-12 and ESLI remember trying to learn how to drive stick from a friend who could do anything with any type of vehicle, he was failed to teach me how to drive a manual car.  He started me off on a hill saying ‘that was how his dad taught him’.  The explanations that he provided were long and in no logical order. Some of the things he told me to pay particular attention I never even practiced.  It was a horribly frustrating experience. 

A few years later, another friend taught me how to drive a motorcycle.  He had been riding bikes since he was five.  He taught me everything I needed to know in one afternoon.  He started me off by just shifting from 1st to 2nd and then to neutral. I must have practiced this step a dozen times.  He showed me tricks and had me practice a bit at a time. He kept asking me how I was feeling, and he kept saying, ‘alright.  Show me.’  It was an empowering experience.

What was the difference in those two experiences?  While the content of both of these experiences was similar, the approach that each teacher took was very different. My motorcycle instructor modeled a number of skills that are critical to effectively teaching non-native English speakers.  

Each one of the following TESOL teaching skills are explored in depth during the SIT TESOL Certificate course that TESOL Trainers offers in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The World-Wide Demand For English Language Teachers

 The World-Wide Demand For English Language Teachers 

The Rise in Demand for TESOL Teachers in Latin America.

In the previous post, we explored the global need for English language teachers in Asia.  Let's move our focus from Asia to Latin America.  The chances are that you can name any country in Latin America and they are more than likely looking for English language teachers.

From Mexico to Chile, there are plenty of teaching opportunities for those qualified TESOL teachers. As in Asia, the range of teaching opportunities and conditions vary from country to country.  

This is a part of the world that teams with teaching opportunities and intercultural experiences that are unique  in context and in content.

If you are currently TESOL certified, you may want to read this.

Here are some of the options for tesoLing in Latin America.